Jail Dad Stick Figure Decal

Hey, dads out there! You know how much kids love having their stick figure family car decals on the back window of their parent's cars. But let's face it—even if you're the most perfect dad in the world, sometimes things don't always go according to plan. That's why I'm here to tell you about a unique stick figure family car decal that will make sure your kids know exactly who is in their corner at all times, even if dad isn't there physically. When you order this special stick figure family car decal from Amazon (for around $5), you get a decal featuring a mother, 5 children, and a father behind bars in prison. The decal is made from high-quality vinyl, which makes it temperature resistant and lasts up to 5-7 years. It also comes in sizes (8-18 inches) and colors, so you can customize it to your liking. The best part is that this decal can be bought multiple times to reflect the number of fathers and/or illegitimate children. And while this may seem like an odd way of showing love for our families, I think this decal sends an important message—that no matter our circumstances, we will always have unconditional love for our children. Even when dad isn't around physically, his presence is still felt through his commitment to being a positive role model and providing unconditional love and support for his children. Plus, it's not just a great way to show your kids that dad still loves them; it's also a great conversation starter whenever someone notices the unusual design on your car! So what are you waiting for? If you're looking for a unique way to show your kids how much they mean to you, head to Amazon now and buy yourself one of these unique stick-figure family car decals! It's an inexpensive way of showing your kids that no matter what life throws at them, nothing can break the bond between fathers and their children. And with its lasting quality vinyl material and multiple buying options available, this is one gift that will keep on giving! So dad's out there—it's time to show some love with a stick-figure family car decal today!


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