Preen Plus Plant Food Garden Weed Preventer 16 Pound Pail Convenient easy application scoop included

15 Awesome And Essential Lawn Care Tools For The Best Yard

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We all want our lawns to look like they were snatched right from the glossy pages of a home and garden magazine. But let’s face it- getting there takes work, unless you want to pay out the nose for professional lawn care service. You need more than just a green thumb and a well of patience. You also need the right lawn care accessories. But how do you know what’s the best choice with the endless options available? Not to worry- we’ve got you covered! We’ve assembled the top 15 must-have lawn care accessories to take your lawn from good to lush. As a matter of fact, the neighbors will start think you started your own lawn care business!

There is no essential lawn care tool that will take care of most of your landscaping needs, and you’ll need a good amount of lawn care equipment to be the envy of the neighborhood. But before we dive into the list of lawn care products we feel are the best option, let’s go over some of the lawn equipment you’ll need for your landscaping needs:

Lawn Mower: A lawn mower is the backbone of any beautiful lawn care regimen. The type of mower you choose depends entirely on the size of your lawn. For small yards, lightweight push mowers or electric mowers are the right direction. But a riding mower is the way to go if your property covers acres of land or you need to mow large areas.

Leaf Blowers: No one likes to spend hours raking dead leaves- enter leaf blowers! They not only save time but also make the task much more manageable. If you have a lot of trees on your property, consider getting a gas-powered blower, but for small lawns, an electric-powered blower is more than enough.

Rake: Getting a high-quality rake makes cleaning up leaves and sifting soil a breeze. You can choose between a metal rake or plastic. Unlike the traditional metal rake, with plastic rakes, you don’t have to worry about rust and corrosion, which makes it ideal for long-term use.

Weed Whacker: Clean edges can elevate the look of your lawn to the next level, and a good weed whacker makes achieving that much easier. Look for one with an adjustable shaft so you can trim to the perfect height.

Spreaders and Sprayers: A spreader or sprayer is essential if you want to overseed grass seed or fertilize your lawn. They allow you to apply liquid treatments evenly, and you can adjust the settings to fit different types of soils.

Round Shovel and Pointed Shovel: Digging, tilling, planting, and chopping roots are much easier with high-quality shovels. While round shovels are best suited for scooping soil, pointed shovels work great for digging holes for tree planting.

Gardening Tools: If you want to add some pizzazz to your garden, investing in some gardening tools is necessary. Hand tools, rakes, trowels, hedge trimmer, and sharp shears can add an extra layer of care and detail to your garden.

Hoses and Sprinklers: Watering your lawn is essential to its growth, and a good hose and sprinkler combo can make the task a lot easier. A simple spray nozzle will do for small lawns, but oscillating sprinklers are more practical for more significant properties.

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1. BLACK+DECKER Cordless Lawn Mower, String Trimmer, and Edger 

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The Black+Decker Cordless Lawn Mower, String Trimmer, and Edger is more than just a tool; it’s a lifesaver, especially if you have a small yard or hard-to-reach slopes. The MTD100 removable wheeled deck makes it easy to convert from mower to trimmer to edger; all you have to do is remove or attach the deck. Also, a great feature is the AFS Automatic Feed System, that keeps you working without interruption by automatically feeding the line as necessary.

This Black+Decker tool has a power drive transmission that prevents slowing down while working, providing optimum performance. Its adjustable cutting height makes it easy to reach a range of 1.6 to 2.4 inches, suiting different grass types. The best part? The box includes two 2 Ah batteries and a charger, providing up to 30 minutes of continuous use on one battery life. No more stopping and starting; with the Black+Decker tool, you can finish your work uninterrupted.

The cordless nature of this mower, trimmer, and edger makes it easy to maneuver and reach odd corners without the hassle of cords dragging behind you. It’s lightweight yet strong and durable, making it the best tool for lawn maintenance. It’s perfect for those who prefer to keep the yard in top shape themselves.

Black+Decker Cordless Lawn Mower, String Trimmer, and Edger is the ultimate all-in-one solution for your lawn maintenance needs. It can save you time, space, and money, but most importantly, it makes your job easier and effortless. With its excellent features, you will wonder how you ever survived without it.

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2. Sun Joe Electric Multi-Angle Pole Chain Saw 

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”” alt=”Sun Joe Electric Multi-Angle Pole Chain Saw Powerful 8 amp motor” title_text=”Sun Joe Electric Multi-Angle Pole Chain Saw Powerful 8 amp motor” url=”” url_new_window=”on” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” max_width=”40%” module_alignment=”center” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” text_text_color=”#000000″ text_font_size=”15px” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″]

The Sun Joe Pole Chain Saw is designed with a multi-angle head that can adjust from 0 to 30 degrees. This feature enables precision trimming, even at those hard-to-reach branches at awkward angles. As a result, you can trust this tool to get the job done without leaving any unsightly, uneven cuts behind. Plus, the adjustable head can also help you avoid any potential damage to other trees, plants, or obstacles nearby.

Do you loathe the idea of climbing up high trees or getting a professional to do it for you? You’ll be happy to hear that the Sun Joe Pole Chain Saw has a telescopic pole that extends from 5.8 to 8.8 feet. This feature reduces the need to climb a ladder or pay for professional assistance, making it a more efficient and affordable alternative. And you don’t have to worry about losing your balance up high or putting yourself at risk of injury.

Another advantage of the Sun Joe Pole Chain Saw is that it produces significantly less noise than gas-powered saws. So you won’t have to worry about disturbing your neighbors or putting earplugs in every time you use it. Plus, it creates no emissions, which is a plus for the environment, and safer to use indoors for small jobs or in dense urban areas.

The Sun Joe Pole Chain Saw also comes with a full two-year warranty, so you can have peace of mind knowing that you’re not taking a significant risk when purchasing it. If you encounter any issues during that time, you can count on the company’s customer support to get you back on track. And when you’re done using it, this lightweight and compact tool is easy to maneuver and store away until the next time you need it.

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3. AMES Saw-Tooth Border Edger 

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The AMES Saw-Tooth Border Edger is designed to make landscaping easier, with a serrated 15-gauge steel blade that easily cuts through grass and turf for defined edges. So say goodbye to uneven borders that make your lawn look like an afterthought. With this edger, you can achieve sharp, precise edges that give your yard the attention it deserves.

But what sets this edger apart is its arched saw-tooth blade, which easily cuts straight or curved edges. That means you can get as creative as you’d like with your lawn borders – maybe an octagon-shaped garden bed or a kidney-shaped walkway. The possibilities are endless with the AMES Saw-Tooth Border Edger.

And let’s not forget about comfort – the footplate provides control and comfort for consistent cutting depth. No more awkwardly hunched over and struggling to keep a steady hand – with this edger, your hands and feet will be comfortably positioned for the entire job. In addition, the blade is 8-7/8″ W x 4-1/2″ H, allowing for different trench widths and depths so that you can customize your borders to your liking.

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4. Garden Auger Drill Bit 

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The Auger Drill Bit is designed to make planting bulbs and small flowers a breeze! With a 3/8″ hex driver, digging holes using a cordless drill is now possible! No need for intense manual labor or sore muscles anymore; just hook up your drill to the auger, and you’re good to go! Say goodbye to digging countless shallow holes; this tool will allow you to dig holes deep enough to accommodate your plants’ root systems.

What’s great about the Auger Drill Bit is that it’s not only limited to planting bulbs and small flowers but can also be used for other gardening tasks. Need to dig holes for fence posts, decks, or even trees? The auger drill bit can do it all! This tool can withstand even the harshest outdoor conditions thanks to its durable and reliable high-strength steel construction.

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5. Gardena ZoomMaxx Oscillating Sprinkler 

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The Gardena ZoomMaxx Oscillating Sprinkler is here to make your life easier. One of the most significant advantages of using the Gardena ZoomMaxx Oscillating Sprinkler is that it delivers precise and even watering. The oscillating and circular patterns ensure that water is distributed evenly over your lawn, eliminating the possibility of any dry spots. In addition, you can customize the water pressure and distribution angle according to your lawn’s shape and size with adjustable settings. The result is a perfectly hydrated lawn that is healthier than ever before.

The Gardena ZoomMaxx Oscillating Sprinkler is constructed with high-quality UV and frost-resistant materials, ensuring long-lasting use. The sprinkler is made of environmentally-friendly materials that are non-toxic and safe for humans and pets. So, if you’re looking for a durable and safe product for your family and the environment, this is it.

One of the best things about the Gardena ZoomMaxx Oscillating Sprinkler is that setting up is effortless. Unlike other sprinkler systems that require complicated installations, this product is straightforward to assemble. All you need to do is attach it to a garden hose, and you’re good to go. The customizable settings make adjusting according to your lawn’s unique requirements easy, giving you total control over the water pressure and distribution.

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6. Preen Plus Plant Food Garden Weed Preventer 16 Pound Pail 

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”” alt=”Preen Plus Plant Food Garden Weed Preventer 16 Pound Pail Convenient easy application scoop included” title_text=”Preen Plus Plant Food Garden Weed Preventer 16 Pound Pail Convenient easy application scoop included” url=”” url_new_window=”on” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” max_width=”40%” module_alignment=”center” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” text_text_color=”#000000″ text_font_size=”15px” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″]

Preen Plus Plant Food Garden Weed Preventer is a savior for busy gardeners who want a lush, vibrant garden but don’t have much time to spend hours plucking out weeds. The best part is you only have to apply it once every three months, making it the perfect low-maintenance solution. With just one application, you can save hours of back-breaking work, free up your time to enjoy your garden, and let Preen Plus do the work for you.

Preen Plus Plant Food Garden Weed Preventer is a weed preventer and acts as a balanced fertilizer, promoting abundant blooms, increased yields, and strong root development. It’s safe to use around 200 plants, allowing you to keep your entire garden healthy without any issues. Plus, you’ll never have to worry about your plants suffering from a lack of nutrients ever again.

The application of Preen Plus is easy and hassle-free. All you need to do is remove existing weeds, use mulch, and water the product to activate. It covers up to 2560 sq. ft., meaning you’ll have enough to cover your entire garden. With just a few simple steps, you’ll have a healthy garden that keeps looking great without any additional effort.

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7. VIVOSUN 2-Pack Leaf Rake Set, 64-inch & 30-inch 

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”” alt=”VIVOSUN 2-Pack Leaf Rake Set, 64-inch & 30-inch Multifunctional 2 Rake Set” title_text=”VIVOSUN 2-Pack Leaf Rake Set, 64-inch & 30-inch Multifunctional 2 Rake Set” url=”” url_new_window=”on” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” max_width=”44%” module_alignment=”center” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” text_text_color=”#000000″ text_font_size=”15px” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″]

The VIVOSUN 2-Pack Leaf Rake Set includes two great rakes designed to make your life easier. The first rake is a 15-tine 64″ rake that can handle even the largest amount of yard work. The second rake is a 9-tine 30″ rake perfect for more precise work. Both of these rakes have zinc-plated round rake teeth that make them corrosion-resistant and built to last. This means you don’t have to worry about them falling apart after a few months.

One of the standout features of the VIVOSUN 2-Pack Leaf Rake Set is the telescopic handles. These handles make it easy to adjust the rakes for comfort and reach. Whether you’re tall, short, or somewhere in between, these handles are perfect for you. You can also adjust them depending on the task you’re performing. This flexibility means you can use them to rake up leaves, garden beds, and even rocks.

Another great feature of the VIVOSUN 2-Pack Leaf Rake Set is the gentle rake teeth. Unlike other rakes that can be harsh on grass and flowers, these rakes are designed to be gentle. They won’t damage your lawn, making them perfect for those who take pride in their outdoor spaces.

One of the best things about these rakes is how lightweight they are. You won’t get tired arms after using them for a few hours, and they’re easy to handle. They’re also easy to store, occupying minimal space in your garage or shed. This means you can keep them close whenever you need them.

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8. Husqvarna Gas String Trimmer 

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”” alt=”Husqvarna Gas String Trimmer Digital Ignition for easier starts” title_text=”Husqvarna Gas String Trimmer Digital Ignition for easier starts” url=”” url_new_window=”on” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” max_width=”30%” module_alignment=”center” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” text_text_color=”#000000″ text_font_size=”15px” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″]

Is your garden looking more like a jungle than a tranquil oasis? Do you feel like a lost explorer when you try to navigate through the overgrown bushes and weeds? Fear not, my friend, the Husqvarna 130L Gas String Trimmer is here to help you reclaim your yard! This powerful tool is perfect for tackling even the wildest of plant growth.

First, let’s talk about the impressive 28cc lightweight 2-cycle engine that powers the Husqvarna 130L Gas String Trimmer. Not only does it provide enough power to cut through tough vegetation, but it also ensures that the tool is comfortable for everyone who uses it. And with the full-crank engine, you don’t have to worry about excessive vibrations that can cause body aches after prolonged use.

But what about starting up the trimmer? Anyone who has used gas power tools knows the hassle of multiple pulls to get it going. However, the Husqvarna 130L Gas String Trimmer is easy to start with just a few pulls. So say goodbye to sore arms before you even begin working in the yard!

One of the standout features of the Husqvarna 130L Gas String Trimmer is its versatility as a lawn edger. With an 18″ cutting swath and an 8″ steel brush blade, it doubles as a good string trimmer and brush cutter for tackling unruly vegetation. Plus, the straight shaft design allows for greater reach, reducing straining and awkward angles.

Another convenient feature of the Husqvarna 130L Gas String Trimmer is its adjustable J-Handle. So whether you’re left or right-handed, it provides easy and comfortable use for everyone. And with the included shoulder strap, you can distribute the tool’s weight and make it easier to carry around the yard.

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9. EGO Power+ LM2102SP-A Electric Battery Self-Propelled Lawn Mower 

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”” alt=”EGO Power+ LM2102SP-A Electric Battery Self-Propelled Lawn Mower Number 1 Rated Brand” title_text=”EGO Power+ LM2102SP-A Electric Battery Self-Propelled Lawn Mower Number 1 Rated Brand” url=”” url_new_window=”on” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” max_width=”40%” module_alignment=”center” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” text_text_color=”#000000″ text_font_size=”15px” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″]

The Ego POWER+ Self-Propelled Lawn Mower comes equipped with two 56V 4.0Ah ARC Lithium batteries that allow a running time of up to 65 minutes! This means you can now finish your lawn mowing without any interruptions. The patented 56V Arc Li-Ion technology delivers optimal power and performance, ensuring a perfect cut every time, making this one great electric lawn mower.

The variable speed self-propelling feature of the mower guarantees that you no longer have to worry about pushing or uneven cuts. Instead, it allows you to move through the lawn quickly and efficiently, saving you time and effort. In addition, the six-position height adjustment, ranging from 1.5″ to 4″, ensures that you can cut your grass at the perfect height suited to your lawn.

The EGO POWER+ Self-Propelled Lawn Mower also includes a 3-in-1 function, which means you can choose between bagging, mulching, or side discharge while mowing. With the bright LED headlights, you can now cut grass in the evenings without any worries. The weather-resistant design allows you to mow your lawn even on rainy days. In addition, the 2-bushel grass collection bag ensures you can collect all grass clippings effortlessly.

This mower is a top pick of the many electric models now available. The mower’s compact design makes it easily foldable, allowing for easy storage. Its portability makes it perfect for homeowners with smaller garages, as it can easily be accommodated. It is also designed to be quite durable, ensuring that it lasts for years. Additionally, the mower comes with a 5-year tool warranty, which guarantees your satisfaction with the mower’s quality. Make the EGO POWER+ Self-Propelled Lawn Mower your go-to tool to make lawn mowing a breeze!

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10. Honda HRX217K5VKA 4-in-1 Versamow System Lawn Mower 

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If you’re not ready to commit to an electric push mower, we suggest you take a hard and long look at the Honda HRX217K5VKA 4-in-1 Versamow System Lawn Mower. Because, let’s face it, mowing the lawn can be tedious and tiring. But with this Honda lawn mower, you might find yourself looking forward to mowing day. This powerful machine is one of the best lawn mowers on the market and has features that make mowing an effortless experience and essential tool.

Impact-resistant and easy to clean – that’s what you get with the HRX217K5VKA’s lifetime warranty NeXite deck. This deck is made of a durable material that can withstand all the bumps and bruises that can happen when mowing the lawn. It’s also effortless to clean, which means you won’t need to spend hours removing grass clippings or debris after mowing.

The Micro-Cut Twin Blades of the HRX217K5VKA provide superior mulching and cutting performance. In addition, these blades are self-sharpening, which means they’ll remain sharp even after multiple uses. This feature ensures the mower always cuts grass cleanly, leaving behind a beautiful, lush lawn.

The Variable Speed Select Drive of the HRX217K5VKA allows for intuitive speed control. You can adjust the mower’s speed to match your walking pace, making mowing a breeze.

The Versamow System with Clip Director is another innovative feature of the HRX217K5VKA. This system allows you to customize the mower’s performance based on your lawn’s needs. For example, you can mulch, bag, discharge, or shred leaves using the Clip Director. This system ensures that your lawn remains healthy and green all year round!

The Honda premium residential GCV190 engine is designed to provide years of reliable service. This powerful engine can handle tough terrain and steep slopes with ease. Adding fuel stabilizers before filling your lawn mower’s gas tank can increase the longevity of your mower’s engine and save you from costly repairs in the future.

So if you’re looking for a gas-powered mower, you won’t go wrong with the Honda HRX217K5VKA!

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11. Oregon 22-895 Magnum Gatorline Heavy Duty Professional Trimmer Line 

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Have you ever had to deal with those weeds that seem to have a strange, almost magical, power of resistance against your average trimmer line? Well, you don’t have to struggle anymore. Oregon Magnum Gatorline Trimmer Line comes in a 0.95-inch diameter, perfect for cutting heavier weeds and light commercial work. So say goodbye to those pesky weeds once and for all.

One thing that sets the Oregon Magnum Gatorline Trimmer Line apart from other trimmer lines is its high-strength inner core. In addition, this line was crafted to resist breakage and increased durability. This means you can trim or cut without worrying about the line snapping or deteriorating quickly, resulting in even cut lines.

Versatility is key, and with Oregon Magnum Gatorline Trimmer Line, you can have a maximum line size of 0.105 inches in any shape you choose. This means you can switch between cutting thicker vegetation to shaping your garden instantly without reaching for a different line size.

This trimmer line has an easy-to-use spool that can hold up to 15 feet of trimmer line. That’s right, no more fumbling with inches of tangled messes that slow you down. Instead, open the spool, pull your length, and you’re ready. Faster tasks mean you’ll have more time to do the things you love.

Need to tackle a range of lawn tasks? No worries. Oregon offers a range of premium trimmer lines to suit your job needs. Of course, you can choose what works for you, but we recommend starting with Oregon Magnum Gatorline Trimmer Line for its efficiency, durability, and ease of use. With materials like this, you’ll be able to get things done faster, smarter, and with a cleaner lawn.

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12. Unco Industries Wiggle Worm Soil Builder 

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Unco Industries takes worm castings to the next level by offering pure worm castings with no added fillers and taking control over the worms’ environment. This ensures high-quality lawn fertilizers for every use. Plus, using worm castings instead of synthetic fertilizers protects the environment and reduces harmful chemicals in our ecosystem.

First, let’s talk about what worm castings are and why they benefit your garden. Worm castings are the excrement of earthworms (that’s right, their poop), which contain organic matter and microorganisms that help improve soil structure and increase water retention capacity. This results in optimum plant growth, as the nutrients from the worm castings are slowly released into the soil over time. In addition, unlike synthetic fertilizers, worm castings are non-toxic and odor-free, making them safe to use both indoors and outdoors.

Another benefit of using worm castings is that they help break down organic material in the soil. The microorganisms in worm castings work to decompose dead plant matter, releasing nutrients that can be absorbed by living plants. This means less waste in the garden and healthier soil overall.

Using worm castings from Unco Industries can result in a thriving garden with healthier and more vibrant plants. Plus, the slow release of nutrients from the worm castings means less work for you, as you won’t have to fertilize as frequently. And the best part? Worm castings are easy to use! Simply mix the castings into the soil or sprinkle on top, then water the area, and you’re done!

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13. Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer 

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”” alt=”Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer Spraying a weed on the driveway” title_text=”Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer Spraying a weed on the driveway” url=”” url_new_window=”on” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” max_width=”35%” module_alignment=”center” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” text_text_color=”#000000″ text_font_size=”15px” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″]

Spectracide Weed & Grass Killer is designed to work on various outdoor surfaces, including driveways, walkways, fences, trees, flower beds, and shrubs. So whether you need to eradicate weeds or grass, Spectracide has got you covered. One of the most significant advantages of this product is that you can see results within 3 hours of application. So say goodbye to those slow-acting solutions and hello to a quick and efficient weed remover.

Not only is Spectracide fast-acting, but it’s also rainproof in just 15 minutes after application. Now, that’s what we call a punch! You no longer have to cancel your plans to treat your garden because the weather forecast predicts rain. Apply Spectracide, let it dry for 15 minutes, and go ahead with your daily activities. It’s that easy!

While Spectracide is a powerful weed killer, protecting desirable plants with plastic or cardboard is crucial before spraying the solution on any area. Moreover, it is advised not to disturb treated vegetation for at least seven days after application. That said, reading the instructions thoroughly before use is always recommended.

Another essential factor to keep in mind when using Spectracide is the temperature. It’s advised to apply the solution when the temperature is above 60°F and not to use it on or around edible crops. Following these guidelines will ensure you get the desired results without damaging your plants or surrounding nature.

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14. Nelson Raintrain Traveling Sprinkler 

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The Nelson Raintrain Traveling Sprinkler covers an impressive 13,500 square feet and can travel up to 200 feet without any effort! The RainTrain’s cast-iron body with chip-resistant, powder-coat paint ensures it can withstand even the harshest weather conditions. That means you can set it and forget it without worrying about the sprinkler rusting or breaking down before it’s time. Plus, the adjustable aluminum spray arms provide coverage ranging from 15 to 55 feet in diameter, so you can customize it to fit the shape and size of your lawn.

But that’s not all – the RainTrain also comes equipped with an automatic shut-off feature that prevents unnecessary water usage, saving you money and being environmentally conscious at the same time. With the RainTrain, you’ll never have to worry about forgetting to turn off the sprinkler and wasting water again.

The RainTrain has three-speed settings to adjust to the desired amount of moisture. This means you can choose between a light mist, a heavy spray, or anything in between. And if that’s not enough to convince you, the RainTrain is also a fun product that kids and adults can use to play games or cool off on a hot day. And dogs love it too!

Last but not least, the RainTrain is ideal for large, open areas and eliminates the need for hoses and stationary sprinklers. You won’t have to worry about tripping over a tangled mess of hoses or moving a stationary sprinkler every few minutes. With the RainTrain, you can set it, forget it, and let the machine do all the work.

Don’t sweat the sprinklers this summer – the Nelson Traveling Sprinkler RainTrain has you covered. It’s a fun, easy, and efficient solution that will save you time, effort, and money. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy a beautiful green lawn without any hassles.

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15. Orbit Smart Irrigation 6-Zone Sprinkler Controller 

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”” alt=”Orbit Smart Irrigation 6-Zone Sprinkler Controller up to 50% water savings” title_text=”Orbit Smart Irrigation 6-Zone Sprinkler Controller up to 50% water savings” url=”” url_new_window=”on” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” max_width=”42%” module_alignment=”center” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” text_text_color=”#000000″ text_font_size=”15px” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″]

The Orbit Smart Irrigation 6-Zone Sprinkler Controller is a game-changer for any homeowner with an in-ground irrigation system. With its Android/iOS/web compatibility, you can control your sprinkler system from anywhere, anytime. This nifty device also uses WeatherSense technology that adjusts watering based on live weather feeds and site conditions. No more overwatering during rainstorms, saving you water and money!

Installation of the Orbit Smart Irrigation 6-Zone Sprinkler Controller is a breeze, thanks to its swing panels and angled wiring terminals. You can easily install this device yourself without hiring lawn care professionals to install it. And it’s secure too! The weather-resistant, lockable cabinet ensures that your device is secured and protected from the elements.

The Orbit Smart Irrigation 6-Zone Sprinkler Controller is EPA WaterSense certified and eligible for local rebates, which means that it saves water and money. With custom schedules and automatic delays, this device cuts down on your workload while providing precise watering. And if you’re wondering about durability, this device is designed to last years.

If you’re tired of manually controlling your sprinkler system or simply want to save water and lower your water bills, the Orbit Smart Irrigation 6-Zone Sprinkler Controller is the perfect solution. This device is easy to install and allows you to control your sprinkler system from anywhere. With custom schedules and automatic delays, watering your plants has never been easier.

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